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Previous cordial greeting, this area is for your concerns, we will reply as soon as possible.

    Machu Picchu Now


    Currently the archaeological complex of Machu Picchu, has visits at 50%, the responsible authorities demand compliance with security protocols. Inform you that Antara Peru requires compliance with these measures as it is a protection for the safety of all.

    Visitors to Machu Picchu

    The Ministry of Culture approved the capacity of 4000 daily visitors to Machu Picchu. This was established in Ministerial Resolution No. 173-2020-MC.

    The Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco defined four circuits that will be carried out once Machu Picchu can receive visitors:

    • High Short Circuit (1): Involves the ascent to the platform of the so-called Guardian House to continue through the Main Cover, the Canteras sector, the Mirador del Templo del sol, the Plaza de los Temples, the Espejos de Agua complex and the exit through the Plaza del Pisonay.
    • High Long Circuit (2): Involves the ascent to the platform of the so-called Guardian’s House to continue through the Main Cover, the Canteras sector, the Mirador del Templo del Sol, the Temple Square, Intihuatana, Llamakancha, Sacred Rock , Qolqas Orientales, Temple of the Condor and exit through the lower terrace.
    • Lower Short Circuit (3): Involves entering Qolqas, explanation platform, Casa del Inka, Espejos de Agua complex and exit through the Plaza del Pisonay.
    • Lower Long Circuit (4): Involves entry through Qolqas, explanation platform, Casa del Inka, Llamakancha, Roca Sagrada, Qolqas Orientales, Temple of the Condor and exit through the lower terrace.


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      Tour date


      Maras and Moray in Cusco city


      Maras: mine of salt

      Towards the northwest of this town are “the Salineras de Maras” which are well known. You can get there by foot on a bridle path, or you can also get there by car on a dirt road. These salt mines are also known as “salt mines”. They form about 3000 small wells with an approximate area of about 5 m² each. In times of drought these are filled with salt water that comes from a natural spring that is located above the wells. When the water evaporates, the salt crystallizes. When the salt reaches about 10 cm in height from the floor it is removed and then bagged in cloth sacks

      to be sent to the markets of the region; today that salt is being iodized by state standards. This salt, in addition to sodium chloride, has other minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and copper.

      Moray: Experimental center

      The archaeological remains are located 7 kilometers from Maras, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, 38 km northwest of Cuzco. It is possible to get to Moray through the road that starts from the town or directly from a deviation from the main road. Moray is Quechua word and names a sector occupied by the peasant communities of Misminay and Kaccllarakay.

      It was possibly an Inca agricultural research center where crop experiments were carried out at different heights, the layout of its platforms produces a gradient of micro climates having the center of the circular terraces with centric higher temperature and gradually decreasing towards the outside at lower temperatures, thus being able to simulate up to 20 different types of micro climates. It is believed that Moray could have served as a model for the calculation of agricultural production not only from the Urubamba Valley, but also from different parts of the Tahuantinsuyo.


      After breakfast, our guide will pass by the hotel in Cusco or Sacred Valley at 09:30 am to start this new experience, our first stop will be in the town of Chinchero, we will visit a local house to appreciate the tissue demonstration, will appreciate the Chinchero woman keep intact the ancestral customs, continue the excursion to the mine of Maras, where you will appreciate the wells of salt collection, we will continue to the agricultural experimental center of Moray, in the Inca era was a very important center where the plants acclimatized in a system of circular terraces. At the end of the excursion, our guide will leave you at your hotel in the Sacred Valley or in the city of Cusco.


      • Tourist vehicle. Guia biligue.
      • Income to Maras.
      • Income to Moray (if you have BTG to take).
      • Picnic.
      • Mineral water and snacks.

      Not included:

      • Meals not described in the program.
      • Additional drinks.


      • Camera.
      • sunblock
      • Sun cap.
      • Clothes for the cold.
      • Money small denomination.


      Book now

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        Nro de personas

        Fecha del tour


        Mountain of Colors – Machu Picchu


        Located south of the city of Cusco, just over 100 kilometers and 5200 meters above sea level, is this chain of colorful mountains in different whimsical tones, which is nothing more than a variety of minerals that impress the visitors. Vinicunca Mountain, better known as the mountain of seven colors or simply rainbow. The types of colors it sports are red, purple, green, yellow, pink, and other variations. Take advantage of and also visit the fertile sacred valley of the Incas, perhaps taste the famous “corn with cheese”, continue with the visit to the Inca city of Cusco, appreciate its colonial streets, its archaeological complexes such as: the temple of the sun known as Koricancha, the fortress of Sacsayhuamán, continue this beautiful experience by train towards the citadel of Machu Picchu, a destination longed for by many people, Antara Peru designed this program according to all public.


        Lima – Cusco or other means of transport

        Day 01.- Our staff will be at the airport, to accompany you to the chosen hotel, on the way to the hotel, brief information on the city, then enjoy coca tea. The rest of the day free for personal activities. Hotel night.

        The City of Cusco and its Surroundings

        Day 02.- We will pass through the hotel to start the visit to the City of Cusco, the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Temple of the Sun or Qoricancha, typical and Inca streets; continue with the visit to the Archaeological Park of Sacsayhuamán, located in the upper part of the city and ideal for souvenir photos. Later visit to the amphitheater of Qenqo, fortress of Puca Pucara and the “Baños de la Ñusta”: Tambomachay. Return to the hotel in Cusco.

        Cusco – Sacred Valley of the Incas – Machu Picchu.

        Day 03.- After breakfast, we will pass through the hotel and start the tour to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. They will begin the day with a beautiful visit to the Pisac artisan market, they will appreciate the local inhabitant who still maintains the Inca commercial system called “barter: commercial exchange of product for product”. Then we continue the tour appreciating the beautiful natural landscapes of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, until we reach the restaurant in Urubamba, after a short rest; We extend the excursion to the Ollantaytambo Archaeological Park, at the end of this pleasant day you will go to the Ollantaytambo train station to take the train that will take you to Aguas Calientes. Upon arrival at the Aguas Calientes station, our representative will be waiting, who will provide you with more detailed information for the excursion to Machu Picchu. Night at the Aguas Calientes hotel. GIVES/…

        Machu Picchu – Cusco

        Day 04.- Very early you should go to the bus station that will take you to the archaeological site of Machu Picchu. Once you arrive at the citadel, you will begin your Guided Visit to the “Lost City of the Incas“, you will visit incredible terraces, stairways, ceremonial precincts and urban areas. The energy emanating from all over the place. After the visit, you will return by bus to the Pueblito de Aguas Calientes to take the train back to Ollantaytambo and then continue by bus to Cusco. Where our representative will be waiting to take you back to your hotel. Hotel night in Cusco. GIVES…

        Cusco – Rainbow Mountain – Cusco

        Day 05.- We will pass through the hotel between 04:00 to 04:30 am and then on board our tourist mobility we will head south of Cusco, towards the Cusipata district, we will appreciate valleys, small lagoons; We will arrive at the town of Paucarpata, a temporary stop to enjoy breakfast. Then continue the trip to Qomer Qocha, where this beautiful experience to the mountain of colors will begin. Hike of 45 minutes to 1 hour at a moderate pace, on the way we will see the change of color of the mountains that surround the road until we reach the viewpoint of the Mountain of colors from where you can appreciate the great mountain range of Vilcanota and its wide variety of colors. After the visit we will begin with the descent to Qomer Qocha to board the return transport to Cusco. Stop in Paucarpata to enjoy lunch. The excursion ends in the city of Cusco around 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

        Cusco – Lima

        Day 06.- Our representative will be present at the hotel agreed time, to accompany you to the airport in the city of Cusco. B /…



        • Transfers airport – hotel – airport.
        • 04 hotel nights + breakfast in Cusco.
        • Visit to the City of Cusco, transportation, tickets and guide.
        • Visit to the Sacred Valley, transportation, entrance fees, guide and lunch.
        • Tourist round trip train tickets.
        • Round bus tickets to Machu Picchu.
        • 01 hotel night + breakfast in Machu Picchu.
        • Entrance to Machu Picchu.
        • Local guide in Machu Pichu.
        • Lunch in Machu Picchu.
        • Return by vehicle from Ollantaytambo and then to the hotel in Cusco.


        • Passport.
        • Bring thick and waterproof clothing.
        • Jacket for the cold.
        • Comfortable footwear and / or slippers.
        • Sun hat.
        • Sunscreen.
        • Sunglasses.
        • Repellent for Machu Picchu.
        • Photographic camera.
        • For the train trip to Machu Picchu, only one hand luggage or backpack is allowed, which must weigh a
        • maximum of 5Kg / 11Lb and cannot measure more than 57 cm (height, length, width).

        Rainbow Mountain does not include:

        • Transfer on horseback.
        • Walking poles.
        • Poncho for rain.
        • Additional drinks.

        Does not include in the program:

        • Domestic and internactional flight tickets.
        • Tips (opcional).
        • Personal expenses, extra alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and meals not mentioned in the itinerary.End of our services.




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          Number of persons

          Tour date



          Machu Picchu 7 days / 6 nights


          Exciting unforgettable experience, we started the tour in the city of Cusco, visit its typical streets, the temple of the sun called Koricancha, the cathedral adorned with pictures of the Cusco painting, also the visit to the ruins of Sacsayhuaman, the next day the beautiful Valley Sacred of the Incas; appreciate their fields of corn and potatoes. Also visit the experimental center of Moray and the salt mines Maras; finally the longed for visit to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu and appreciate its different religious enclosures, the agricultural area, which still endure in spite of time. Ideal to enjoy this program in the company of family, friends or the couple.


          Flight from Lima to Cusco.

          Opportunity to visit and appreciate the Inca culture.

          Day 01.- Reception at the airport of the city of Cusco, transfer to the hotel elected, general information by our representative. Free day to acclimatize and personal activities.

          Cusco – Sacred Valley of the Incas

          Prepare for this pleasant experience.

          Day 02.- After breakfast at the hotel, our guide will be present for the excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, we start the day with a nice experience, road to Pisac, visit the craft center of Awanacancha, appreciate the family of the auquénidos, as the llama, alpaca, vicuna, very fine wool animal and the guanaco. Then we continue to the handicraft market of Pisac, appreciating the local population to maintain the Inca commercial system called “barter, exchange of product by product. Continue the tour and enjoy the country lunch, in the hacienda house “Orihuela”, which still preserves some pieces from the Inca period and some paintings from the Cusqueña School, finally visit the Inca town of Ollantaytambo, which still preserves its houses and streets Incas, then return to the hotel.

          Cusco – Machu Picchu

          Day 03.- It is without a doubt, the opportunity to appreciate the Inca architecture in all its splendor. Previous breakfast. Way to the train station in the company of our guide, information of the trip before boarding the train to the citadel of Machu Picchu. On the way we will appreciate beautiful snow chain, starting point of the Inca trail, Inca terraces, which were used for agricultural purposes, finally we will arrive at the Aguas Calientes train station. We will notice the change of weather and our guide, will indicate the transportation by bus to the ruins. Visit to the “Lost City of the Incas”, opportunity to take many photos, then lunch. Return train to the city of Cusco. Hotel night.

          Machu Picchu – Cusco

          Day 04.- Previous breakfast, optional visit to the “Puerta del Sol” or climb the Wayna Picchu, afternoon hours, after lunch return to Ollantaytambo train station, our representative waits for You, to return to the city of Cusco. Hotel night.

          Excursion to the city of Cusco

          Day 05.- Breakfast. Afternoon hours, excursion to the imperial city of Cusco in the company of our guide, we begin the visit to the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Temple of the Sun or Koricancha, typical and Inca streets; also visit the ruins of Sacsayhuaman, located in the upper part of the city and ideal for the photos of the memory, the amphitheater of Quenco, Puca Pucara and the “baths of the Ñusta”, Tambomachay. Return to the hotel.

          Visit to Maras and Moray

          Dia 06.- After breakfast our guide will be at the hotel, then head to the town of Chinchero, located 28 km from the city of Cusco. Village surrounded by beautiful landscapes and cultivated fields, agricultural place very important at present and the Inca time. We can also appreciate buildings with colonial style and the typical market. Continuing with the excursion, visit the picturesque town of Maras, which is 52 km from Cusco at an altitude of 3,380 meters; traditional place for the salt mines that it owns; currently salt is still extracted. Continue with the visit to Moray, group of terraces or circular terraces of different sizes, in the time of the Incas they were used as experimental agricultural center; where they carried out studies of adaptation of plants to new ecosystems. After the visit, enjoy the picnic lunch. Return to the hotel.

          Cusco – Lima

          Day 07.- Our representative will be present at the agreed time and accompany you to the airport, for your return trip and take your international flight. End of our services.


          • Transportation airport – hotel – airport.
          • Mochila, sun cap and case for the itinerary.
          • 05 nights of hotel in Cusco + breakfast.
          • 01 night hotel in Machu Picchu + breakfast.City tour and surroundings + income.
          • Excursion Maras, Moray and picnic.
          • Excursion to Sacred Valley + Income.
          • Lunch in Sacred Valley.
          • Train tickets roundtrip by tourist train.
          • Bus tickets and entrance fees to Machu Picchu.
          • Lunch in Machu Picchu.
          • Tour guide: all excursions.
          • Service type: Consult.

          Not Included:

          • Individual Supplement Fee.
          • Air flights (National and International).
          • Taxes.
          • Travel Insurance.
          • Extra drinks.
          • Tips.
          • Meals not described.


          • PassportCoat and waterproof clothes.
          • Comfortable shoes.
          • Backpack, for personal items.
          • Photo camera.
          • Drapery and sun glasses.
          • sunblock and repellent for Machu Picchu.
          • Travel to Machu Picchu, bring passport.
          • See type of hotel.
          • See type of service.



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            Number of persons

            Tour date


            Machu Picchu 7 days / 6 nights

            The Sun Party – Inti Raymi


            During the time of the Incas, the Inti Raymi or “fiesta del Sol” was the most important of the four festivals celebrated in Cusco, according to the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. It indicated the beginning of the year, as well as the mythical origin of the Inca. It lasted nine days during which dances and sacrifices were made. The last Inti Raymi that counted on the presence of the Inca emperor was made in 1535. The Inca, with the help of the priests, “induced” the god Inti (sun) to return with the favor of his rays to fertilize the earth and procure the welfare of the children of the great empire of Tahuantinsuyo. The sacred fire was renewed with a golden concave bracelet that was placed against the sunlight. The sacred fire was taken to the Koricancha, where it would be preserved by the acllas. During the ceremony, the sacrifice of the flame was also made to predict the coming year. Then a great military march followed and at the end everyone retreated and burst into unrestrained cacophony for several days. Currently the Inti Raymi, as it could not be otherwise, has a different character, a show aimed at both tourists and local people. The representation, involving thousands of people, begins in front of the Koricancha or temple of the sun, where the fictional Inca (king) makes an invocation to the Sun. The spectators, meanwhile, wait in the Esplanade of Sacsayhuaman, await the arrival of the cortege. He enters the stage carrying the Inca in his litter by a group that represents the inhabitants of his four. Then the flame is sacrificed and the Inca invokes his father the Sun. He ends the ceremony with the final words of the Inca in the Quechua language.

            Important.- The only date of the Fiesta del Sol or Inti Raymi, is June 24, take into account for your reservation.


            Lima – Cusco

            June 22: Reception at the airport in the city of Cusco, transfer to the elected hotel; Free day to acclimatize. Hotel night in Cusco.

            Sacred Valley Tour

            June 23: After breakfast, your guide will come to your hotel and start the tour to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. They will start the day with a nice experience visiting the handicraft market of Pisac, they will appreciate the local population that still maintains the Inca commercial system called “barter: commercial exchange of product by product”. And then we continue with the Archaeological Complex of Pisaq and then enjoy the picnic lunch, after a short break; We extend the excursion to the Archaeological Park of Ollantaytambo, at the end we will go to the train station to board the train that will take us to Aguas Calientes. On the way we will see beautiful snow chain, starting point of the Inca Trail, Inca terraces, which were used for agricultural purposes, finally we will arrive at the Aguas Calientes train station. Hotel night in Cusco.

            Feast of Inti Raymi or “Sun Festivity”

            June 24: The rise of Tawantinsuyo, the Pachacutec Inca set up the Sun God Festivity. People of Cusco currently celebrate the Inti Raymi festivity with the same devotion as their ancestors did, in memory to the great Inca civilization. It is an annual Inca Ceremony in Cusco, the capital of Tawantisuyo, between final of harvest and beginning of winter equinox in the Andes, it means in the middle of June. The Inti Raymi is compared as today the New Year celebration.

            The festival in Sun God honor takes place on three historical and natural scenarios usually used for the staging:

            • The Koricancha – Gold fence: in the Inca time this was the main Palace to the Sun.
            • The Plaza de Armas – The old Auqaypata or Main of warrior: in this place all ceremony was celebrate in a big ushnu or ceremonial platform.
            • Saqsaywaman in quechua language “saqsay” and “waman” means quench falcon. This amazing archeological center is to 3,555 m.a.s.l. / 11,663 ft., a kilometer from Inca town of Qolqanpata.

            The ceremony begins with formation of 4 regions (suyos) of empire: Qollasuyu, Kuntisuyu, Antisuyu and Chinchaysuyu – names in quechua language.

            • Chicha ritual – Chicha is fermented beverage usually derived from corn.
            • Sacred Fire ritual.
            • Llama sacrifice and omens.
            • Sankhu ritual (sacred bread)
            • Q’ochurikuy (exaltation of people).

            Return to Cusco

            June 25: Very early in the morning after breakfast, our staff will pick you up from the hotel to transfer you to the Poroy station and take the train with a 3:20 hour trip. We will arrive at the small town of Aguas Calientes, our guide will be waiting for you to transfer them by bus (30 minutes) to Machu Picchu – one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Our guide will show you the amazing and enigmatic citadel of Machu Picchu. In the afternoon you will return to the majestic city of Cusco by train, where our friendly staff will be waiting and transfer you back to your hotel.

            June 26.Previous breakfast, optional visit to the citadel, you can visit the “Puerta del Sol”, the Inca bridge or climb the Huayna Picchu. Return train to Ollantaytambo and return vehicle to the city of Cusco. Hotel night.

            June 27.- Breakfast in the morning. In the afternoon, our guide will be present for the excursion to the Imperial city of Cusco, we begin the visit to the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Temple of the Sun or Koricancha, typical and Inca streets; also visit the Archaeological Park of Sacsayhuaman, located in the upper part of the city and ideal for souvenir photos. Later visit to the Qenqo amphitheater, Puca Pucara fortress and the “Baños de la Ñusta” Tambomachay. Return to the hotel.

            June 28.- After breakfast our staff will pick you up from the hotel to transfer you to the airport in Cusco and take the flight to the city of Lima.



            • Transfers in / out.
            • Mochila, sun cap and case for the itinerary.
            • 05 nights hotel + breakfast in the city of Cusco.
            • 01 night hotel in Machu Picchu + breakfast.
            • Excursion to the city of Cusco + vehicle, income and guide.
            • Excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas + vehicle, income, guide and lunch.
            • Entrance ticket to the sun party, vehicle, guide and box lunch.
            • Round trip train tickets, bus tickets, entrance to Machu Picchu, guide and lunch.

            Not included:

            • Food not described in the program.
            • Additional drinks. Tips (optional).

            What to bring?

            • Passport.
            • A hand-held backpack.
            • Light clothing and clothes.
            • Drawstring, sunglasses, sunscreen and repellent only for Machu Picchu.
            • Camara foto.
            • Money in small denomination.


            Book Now

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              Email (*)


              Number of persons

              Tour date


              Inca Trail 4 days & 3 nights

              Adventure excursion that many dream the time to start the trek, for this new experience, it is necessary to make the reservation months in advance due to the influx of adventurers, the best season is between the months of April and October, very sunny season , but in the mornings and nights the cold is intense, Antara Peru prior to the confirmation of this excursion informs all the important details of this Inca adventure.


              Nota.- Previous day the staff of Antara Peru, will coordinate a meeting with the participants and inform details of the Inca Trail.

              Cusco – Huayllabamba

              Day 01.- without a doubt a special day we start the Inca Trail.

              The journey begins at kilometer 82 where we will enter to Inca Trail net to start a new adventure. We will border the Urubamba river located on the Urubamba valley, we will to up slowly to Piscachuco valley en route to Huayllabamba Community, where we will camp.

              • Altitude: 2.954 m.a.s.l. / 9694 ft.
              • Distance covered: 12.00 km / 7.47 miles.
              • Time: 5 – 6 hrs.

              Huayllabamba – Pacaymayo

              Day 02.- the opportunity to take pictures.

              We will go to the second step, it is lower than first one, in Runkurakay (3,900 m.a.s.l. / 12,800 ft.), we will descend two hours till archeological complex of Sayacmarca. After, we will continue our trek hiking deep in a typical climate of Semi-Tropical Cloudy Forest to Phuyupatamarca, the starting point of our last camp located on Wiñaywayna: where is one the most important archaeological inca complex after Machu Picchu.

              • Altitude: 3,974 m.a.s.l. / 13039 ft.
              • Distance covered: 16 km / 9.94 miles
              • Time: 08 hrs.

              Pacaymayo – Wiñaywayna

              Day 03.- special day to visit and appreciate the Inca architecture fullness.

              Partirá rumbo al segundo paso, el cual se encuentra más bajo que el primero, en Runkurakay (3.900 m.s.n.m.), para luego descender, por un tiempo promedio de 2 horas, hasta el complejo arqueológico de Sayacmarca. Después de visitar el lugar, retomará la caminata notando el cambio de clima típico de Bosque Nublado semi-tropical, que lo conducirá a Phuyupatamarca, punto de partida hacia su último campamento ubicado en Wiñaywayna: lugar que alberga uno de los complejos arqueológicos incas más importantes después de Machu Picchu.

              • Altitude: 3,974 m.a.s.l. / 13039 ft.
              • Distance covered: 16 km / 9.94 miles
              • Time: 08 hrs.

              Wiñaywayna – Machupicchu – Cusco

              Day 04.- beautiful day to enjoy the citadel.

              We will go to famous Inti Punku or “Gate of the Sun”, where you will can get the first view of the majestic Machu Picchu. After a short walk we will arrive to the lost city of the Incas, after a well-deserved break immersed to energy of this place we will start a guided tour. After some hours we will return to the hotel.

              • Altitude: 2,732 m.a.s.l. / 8964 ft.
              • Machu Picchu Altitude: 2,400 m.a.s.l. / 7872 ft.
              • Distance covered: 04 km / 2.49 miles
              • Time: 02 hrs.

              End of  Antara services.



              • Entrance fee tickets.
              • Camping equipment (tents: dining room, kitchen and bathroom).
              • Meals
              • Support staff.
              • First aid equipment.
              • Tour guide.
              • Tickets for Machupicchu.
              • Train ticket to the city of Cusco.

              Not included:

              • Personal expenses..
              • Second income to tourist attractions.
              • Sleeping bag.
              • Tips.
              • Others not specified.

              Suggestion to take:

              • Small backpack.
              • Passport original.
              • Money small denomination.
              • Sun clothes, cold clothes.
              • Sun glasses.
              • Jacket or poncho for the rain.
              • Hiking shoes.
              • Sun cap.
              • Sunscreen.
              • Mineral water.
              • Mosquito repellent.
              • Camera and / or camcorder.


              Book Now

                Name (*)

                Email (*)


                Number of persons

                Tour date


                Special Journey to Machu Picchu


                Get ready for this beautiful experience, Antara Peru will make your wishes come true, we start the excursion in the city of Cusco, we will visit its typical streets, the temple of the sun called Koricancha, the cathedral adorned with pictures of Cusco painting, also the visit to the Inca complex of Sacsayhuamán, the next day visit to the beautiful Sacred Valley of the Incas; appreciate its fields of corn and potatoes. Finally, the long-awaited visit to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, we will enter the main platform, a place with a great view of the Inca complex, appreciate its different religious sites, the agricultural area and the citadel that still endures despite time.


                • Transportation airport – hotel – airport.
                • 03 hotel nights in Cusco + breakfast.
                • 01 night in Aguas Calientes town + brekfast.
                • City tour and surroundings – tickets.
                • Excursion to Sacred Valley – tickets.
                • Lunch in Sacred Valley.
                • Train tickets roundtrip by Vistadome tourist train.
                • Bus tickets and tickets to Machu Picchu.
                • Lunch in Machu Picchu.
                • Tour guide on all excursions.
                • Type of Service: Private

                Not Included:

                • Individual Supplement Fee.
                • Air flights (National and International).
                • Taxes.
                • Travel insurance.
                • Extra drinks
                • Tips.
                • Meals not described.


                • Passport.
                • Heavy and waterproof clothing.
                • Comfortable shoes.
                • Folding wheelchair for easy transport.
                • Backpack, for personal items.
                • Photographic camera.
                • Cap and sunglasses.
                • Sunblock and repellent for Machu Picchu.
                • Trip to Machu Picchu, bring a passport.
                • Check type of hotel.
                • Check type of service.


                Lima – Cusco

                Day 01.- Reception at the airport of the city of Cusco, transfer to the elected hotel, general information about the program by our representative. Day  at leisure to acclimatize or personal activities.

                 Tour of Cusco city.

                Day 02.- Breakfast, our tour guide will be present for excursion to the Imperial city of Cusco, we begin the visit to the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Temple of the Sun or Qoricancha, typical and Inca streets; also visit the Archaeological Park of Sacsayhuaman, located in the upper part of the city and ideal for souvenir photos. Later visit to the Qenqo amphitheater, Puca Pucara Fortress and the “Baños de la Ñusta”: Tambomachay. Return to the hotel in Cusco.

                Cusco – Sacred Valley of the Incas – Machu Picchu

                Day 03.- Prepare for this beautiful experience. After breakfast, your guide will come to the hotel and start the tour. They will start the day visiting the Pisac Handicraft Market, they will appreciate the local population that still keeps the Inca commercial system called “barter: commercial exchange of product by product”. Then continue the visit to the archaeological complex of Pisaq. Then enjoy the picnic lunch, after a short break; We extend the tour to the archaeological park of Ollantaytambo, at the end it will go to the station to board the train that will take us to Aguas Calientes. On the way we will see beautiful snow chain, starting point of the Inca Trail, Inca terraces, which were used for agricultural purposes, finally we will arrive at the Aguas Calientes train station. Hotel Aguas Calientes night. B/L

                Machu Picchu – Cusco

                Day 04.- Opportunity to appreciate Inca architecture in all its splendor. After breakfast at the hotel, our representative will be present for the excursion to Machu Picchu, visit the “Lost City of the Incas, will indicate transportation by bus to the Citadel. Opportunity to take many photos, then continue with the unforgettable travel experience, at the end of the excursion you will enjoy lunch. Later we return by bus to the town of Aguas Calientes for lunch and take the train back to Ollantaytambo where our representative will be waiting to accompany you to Cusco. Hotel night in Cusco. B/L


                Day 05.- After breakfast, our representative will be present at the agreed time, to scort you to the airport in the city of Cusco, for the return flight to Lima. End of our services. D /


                book now

                  Name (*)

                  Email (*)


                  Number of persons

                  Tour date


                  Machu Picchu 4 days & 3 nights


                  Cusco, considered the first tourist city of Peru and capital of the Inca Empire, still preserves Inca palaces, colonial temples, the Koricancha, the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuaman, the “baths of the Ñusta” Tambomachay, interesting places for some beautiful photos of the memory. The next day, on the way to the picturesque town of Pisac, visit the artisanal center of Awanacancha, continue the excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, we will appreciate immense fields of corn and potato in their different varieties. This day is very special, visit to the pre-Columbian citadel of Machu Picchu, a destination longed for by many visitors, Antara Peru will make this experience unforgettable.


                  Day 01.- Lima – Cusco

                  Flight from Lima to Cusco. Visit the beautiful city of Cusco and its most important attractions.

                  Reception at the airport of the city of Cusco by our representative, transfer to the elected hotel. Afternoon hours, our guide will be present for excursion to the Imperial city of Cusco, we begin the visit to the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral, the Temple of the Sun or Qoricancha, typical and Inca streets; also visit the Archaeological Park of Sacsayhuaman, located in the upper part of the city and ideal for souvenir photos. Later visit to the Qenqo amphitheater, Puca Pucara Fortress and the “Baños de la Ñusta”: Tambomachay. Return to the hotel in Cusco.

                  Day 02.- Cusco – Sacred Valley of the Incas – Machu Picchu

                  Prepare for this beautiful experience. After breakfast, your guide will come to the hotel and start the tour. They will start the day visiting the Pisac Handicraft Market, they will appreciate the local population that still keeps the Inca commercial system called “barter: commercial exchange of product by product”. Then continue the visit to the archaeological complex of Pisaq. Then enjoy the picnic lunch, after a short break; We extend the tour to the archaeological park of Ollantaytambo, at the end it will go to the station to board the train that will take us to Aguas Calientes. On the way we will see beautiful snow chain, starting point of the Inca Trail, Inca terraces, which were used for agricultural purposes, finally we will arrive at the Aguas Calientes train station. Hotel Aguas Calientes night. B/L

                  Day 03.- Machu Picchu – Cusco

                  Opportunity to appreciate Inca architecture in all its splendor. After breakfast at the hotel, our representative will be present for the excursion to Machu Picchu, visit the “Lost City of the Incas”, will indicate transportation by bus to the Citadel. Opportunity to take many photos, then continue with the unforgettable travel experience, at the end of the excursion you will enjoy lunch. Later we return by bus to the town of Aguas Calientes for lunch and take the train back to Ollantaytambo where our representative will be waiting to accompany you to Cusco. Hotel night in Cusco. B/L

                  Day 04.- Cusco-Lima

                  After breakfast, our representative will be present at the agreed time, to accompany you to the airport in the city of Cusco, for the return flight to Lima. End of our services. D /


                  • Transfers Airport – Hotel – Airport.
                  • Excursion of the City.
                  • Transportation, Income and Guide.
                  • 2 Nights at Hotel Cusco.
                  • Excursion Sacred Valley.
                  • Transportation, Income and Guide.
                  • Buffet lunch in Sacred Valley.
                  • 1 Night of Aguas Calientes Hotel.
                  • Vistadome train tickets round trip.
                  • Bus tickets and tickets to Machu Picchu.
                  • Buffet lunch in Machu Picchu.
                  • Local guide Machu Picchu.
                  • Transfer Ollantaytambo – Cusco.

                  Does not include:

                  • Individual Supplement Fee.
                  • Air flights (National and International).
                  • Tips
                  • Additional drinks
                  • Meals not described.


                  • Passport
                  • Bring waterproof clothes
                  • Jacket for the cold.
                  • Comfortable shoes and / or slippers.
                  • Sun hat.
                  • Sunscreen.
                  • Eyeglasses for the sun
                  • Repellent for Machu Picchu.
                  • Photographic camera.
                  • How to get?
                  • Airway.




                    Name (*)

                    Email (*)


                    Number of persons

                    Tour date


                    Antara Perú

                    Antara Travel began tourist market operations in 2001, duly accredited as a tourist company registered in Public Registries of Peru, the corporate name is Antara Travel Agency E.I.R.L.; the main purpose of the company is to guarantee and provide the best services in the tourism industry, which is every day more competitive. Antara Travel has skilled personnel and extensive experience thus provide the best attention to the customers.


                      Oficina Principal:  Jr. Sacsayhuamán B - 10 Urb. Dolorespata          -           Sucursal: Avenida La Costanera D - 17   -   Cusco - Perú.

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